select m.cid,m.comp,m.pcode,m.product,m.program,m.zhibiao,n.vvalue from (
select cid,comp,zb.pcode,zb.product,c.program,zb.zhibiao from so_smallproduct_danwei
left outer join
so_smallproduct_zhibiao zb
on 1=1
left outer join (select '指标' as program from dual) c
on 1=1
union all
select cid,comp,a.pcode,a.product,b.program,a.zhibiao from so_smallproduct_danwei
left outer join (select distinct product,pcode,'0' as zhibiao from so_smallproduct_zhibiao) a
on 1=1
left outer join (select program from so_smallproduct_program) b
on 1=1
) m
left outer join (select ordercode,danwei,product,program,nvl(project,0) as project,vvalue,ts,ddate,dr from so_smalproduct_zb_index where ddate='2014-02-10' and dr='0') n
on m.comp=n.danwei
and m.product=n.product
and m.zhibiao=n.project
and m.program=n.program
order by m.cid asc
[ 本帖最后由 470520016 于 2014-2-14 11:25 编辑 ]
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